Launch Event
January 19, 2017 at the National Press Club, Washington, DC
Full Event
We Must Build Bridges for Freedom, Not in the Service of an Intolerant, Supremacist Ideology
Faith Leaders for America are clerics of various religious beliefs who share a common commitment to freedom – freedom of religion, freedom of speech and the other liberties guaranteed by our Constitution. We oppose those who seek to restrict our freedoms on the grounds that we cannot offend their faith.
Faith Leaders for America is an effort to assist the clergy of America in promoting real tolerance and freedom of religion in the face of the intolerant and repressive agenda of Islamic supremacists.
What We Must Do
We reject intolerance promoted in the guise of tolerance.
We will work together to challenge Islamic supremacists who demand our submission to their totalitarian Sharia doctrine. They profess to be bridge-building, but theirs are one-way bridges, used for proselytizing and recruitment (dawa), not promoting true, mutual, ecumenical respect and coexistence.
We will also seek to counter the enabling of such activities by non-Muslim clerics who legitimate the Islamists and provide political cover to their subversion.
To these ends, we will provide information and facilitate training to our fellow clergy members and their congregations. In the near term, the object will be to raise their awareness of and assist in their opposition to this clearly fraudulent “interfaith dialogue” – and the larger, stealthy Brotherhood “civilization jihad” agenda it serves.
Over time, we pray that Faith Leaders for America will become an authoritative counterweight to Islamic supremacism, helping the pastoral and lay communities to understand and to meet this danger with truth, courage and conviction.